One ongoing part of What can feminism do? is a library we are collecting around the thematics of feminist curating. Reading and browsing the library is possible at nynnyt studio, located in POIMU feminist workspace in Helsinki, Finland. You can email us and we’ll schedule a library time for you.
Please note that we will keep on updating the library & this page (last update to this list was too long ago – maybe 3 years).
// nynnyt kokoavat ja ylläpitävät feministisen kuratoinnin kirjastoa. Kirjasto sijaitsee nynnyjen työhuoneella feministisen työtila POIMUn tiloissa Helsingissä ja siihen tutustuminen on mahdollista sopimalla vierailusta nynnyjen kanssa.
Huomioithan, että kirjasto päivittyy näitä nettisivuja nopeammin (olemme viimeksi päivittäneet listaa 3v sitten).
Aaltola, Elisa (toim.): Johdatus eläinfilosofiaan
Agamben, Giorgio: The Open. Man and Animal
Ambrozic, Mara, Vettese, Angela (eds.): Art as a Thinking Process
Allen, Felicity (ed.): Education. Documents of Contemporary Art
Arendt, Hannah: On Revolution
Arendt, Hannah: The Human Condition
Auer, Camille: Antiphallic Dick
Badiou, Bourdieu, Butler, Didi-Huberman, Kiari, Rancière: WHAT IS A PEOPLE?
Barthes, Roland: A Lover’s Discourse
Barthes, Roland: How to live together – Novelistic simulations of some everyday spaces
Benjamin, Walter: The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
Berardi, Franco “Bifo”: The Uprising. On Poetry and Finance
Berardi, Franco “Bifo” & Sarti, Alessandro: RUN Morphogenesis
Bismark von, Beatrice & Meyer-Krahmer, Benjamin (eds.): Hospitality – Hosting Relations in Exhibitions
Bourriaud, Nicolas: Relational Aesthetics
Butler, Judith: Giving and Account of Oneself
Butt, Gavin & Rogof, Irit: Visual Cultures as Seriousness
Calle, Sophie: Pidä huolta itsestäsi
Chomsky, Noam: On Anarchisim
Cixous, Hélène: Stigmata
Condorelli, Céline: The Compnay She Keeps
Cunningham, Iles, Mattar, Vishmidt (eds.): Anguish Language. Writing and Crisis
De Beauvoir, Simone: Extracts from The Second Sex
De Bruyne, Paul & Gielen, Pascal: Community Art – The Politics of Trespassing
De Certeau: The Practice of Everyday Life
Deleuze and Guattari: a thousand plateaus
Derrida, Jacques: The Animal That Therefore I Am
Derrida, Jacques: The Beast & the Sovereign, Vol 1
Dunham, Lena: Not That Kind of Girl
Elfving, Taru & Haapoja, Terike: Altern Ecologies. Emergent Perspectives on the Ecological Threshold of the 55th Venice Biennale
Elfving, Taru, Hannula, Mika (eds.): Kuratointi – yhdeksän nykytaiteen kuratoinnin käytäntöä
Evans, Simon & Fahlström, Öyvind: First we make the rules, then we break the rules
Foster, Hal: The Return of the Real
Foucault: The Foucault Reader
Gibbons, Joan: Contemporary Art as Memory. Images of recollection and remembrance
Gross, Aaron & Valley, Anne (eds.): Animals and the Human Imagination. A companion to Animal Studies
Gumbs, Martens, Williams (eds.): Revolutionary Mothering – love on the front lines
Haapalainen, Nurmeniemi, Koski (eds.): Monensuuntaista liikettä. Tekstejä kuratoinnin ja näyttelypedagogiikan ympäriltä
Haraway, Donna: Companion Species Manifesto
Haraway, Donna: When Species Meet
h.arta (ed.): FEMINISME Reviewing Concepts and Affirming New Positions
Heti, Sheila: How should a person be?
Heti, Sheila: Motherhood
Hiljaisuuden muistit osa 1. Silta-kollektiivi: Ääriviivoja/outlines
Hiljaisuuden muistit osa 2. Vuoden 1962 muistityöryhmän muistikuvia
hooks, bell: Teaching to transgress
hooks, bell: Ain’t I a Woman. Black Women and Feminism
hooks, bell: rakkaus muuttaa kaiken
Hustvedt, Siri: A Woman Looking at Men Looking at Women. Essays on Art, Sex and the Mind
Högner, Lopez-Mendez, Gerin, Bäckman, Hannikainen, Jalonen, Karlsson: NO PLAY FEMINIST TRAINING CAMP
Jones, Jesse: Tremble Tremble
Kaikkien taidemuseo. Saavutettavuus ja diversiteetti valtion taidemuseossa 2009-2013
Kainulainen & Sepänmaa: Ihmisten Eläinkirja
Kaitavuori, Kokkonen, Sternfeld (eds.): It’s All Mediating. Outlining and Incorporating the Roles of Curating and Education in the Exhibition Context
Kester, Grant H.: Conversation Pieces. Community + Communication in Modern Art
Kiiski, Hertta: I was an apple and I got peeled – but it was a good thing
Koitela, Jussi (ed.): Suomen Taidepoliittinen Käsikirja
Kokkonen, Laura: The Crime Scene of Representation
Kraus, Chris: I love Dick
Land, Clare: Decolonizing Solidarity. Dilemmas and Directions for Supporters of Indigenous Struggles
Laudre, Audre: Sister Outsider
Let’s Mobilize: What is Feminist Pedagogy? Valand Academy, University of Gothenburg
Levi Strauss, David: Between the Eyes. Essays on Photography and Politics
Lind, Maria, What, How & for Whom/WHW (eds.): At and the F Word on the Browning of Europe
Long, Richard: A Line Made by Walking
Meyer, Torsten & Kolb, Gila: What’s next?
Milojevic, Ivana: Feminising Future Studies. In Rescuing All Our Futures: The Futures of Future Studies (1999).
Milojevic, Ivana: Timing feminism, feminising time.
Moore, Anne Elisabeth: The illustrated manifesti of radical literature.
Mouffe, Chantal: AGONISTICS – thinking the world politicallty
Niemelä, Marianne: Queering the Gallery: In search of counter-normative curatorial strategies
Node publication: What we – looking for the common ground
O’Doherty, Brian: Inside the White Cube. The Ideology of the Gallery Space
Ohtonen, Hanna: The World Between Us – Contemporary Museums as Public Spaces. Case study: EMMA
O’Neill, Paul (ed.): Curating Subjects
O’Neill, Paul & Wilson, Mick (eds.): Curating and the Educational Turn
On the Edgaware Road, Serpentine Gallery, Issue 001, March 2012
Oriskova, Mária (ed.): Curating ‘EASTERN EUROPE’ and beyond: Art Histories through the Exhibition
Paim, Gisel, Bergmark (eds.): Taking a Line for a Walk – Assignments in design education
Phelan, Peggy: UNMARKED the politics of performance
Rapia, Kati: Storage Still Lifes
Reilly, Maura (ed.): Women Artists – The Linda Nochlin Reader
Richardson, Nan (publ.): Conversations with Contemporary Photographers
Rojola, Johanna (ed.): Suffragettien City
Ruonakoski, Erika: Eläimen tuttuus ja vieraus
Pettersson, Susanna (ed.): Tulevaisuuden taidemuseo
Sander, Katya & Sheikh, Simon (eds.): We are All Normal (and we want our freedom)
Savela, Drufva, Gröhn (eds.): Metafin
Sennett, Richard: Together – the rituals, pleasures and politics of cooperation
Solnit, Rebecca: Wanderlust
Solnit, Rebecca: Men Explain Things to Me
Solnit, Rebecca: Hope in the Dark
Steedman, Marijke (ed.): Gallery as Community: Art Education, Politics
Steyerl, Hito: The Wretched of the Screen
Suutari, Inkeri & Warsza, Joanna (eds.): Finnish Landscape
Szeemann, Una, Hain, Peter, Knellessen, Olaf: The Seed’s Journey
Thompson, Nato (ed.): Living as Form – socially engaged art from 1991-2011
Timofeeva, Oxana: History of Animals
Vaarala, Noora (ed.): Jotkut Taas Väittävät. Kirjoituksia kulttuurijournalismin mestareilta
vaik-menon, Alko: femme in public
Vaknin, Stuckey, Lane (eds.): All This Stuff. Archiving the Artist
Väliheikki, Selina (ed.): Table of Contents
Väliheikki, Selina (ed.): Field Tripping. crossing ruptures, straying in pathways, passing tresholds – searching for a way in and out in curatorial positioning
Walter, Natasha: Living Dolls, The Return of Sexism
Woolf, Virginia: Mrs Dalloway
Woolf, Virginia: Oma huone
Afterall #32, #33, #34, #42
Elephant #25/2015-16: Girl on Girl
Esitys #4/2015, #2/2016
Girls like us #7/2015
HIAP: Musings, activities and movements, 1/2014
Manifesta Journal: Collective Curating No8 2009/2010
Mustarinda – Art and Ecological Transition, 2012
Mustarinda – Keynes, 2013
Mustarinda – Ecological Fallacy / Objects on Oil, 2014
Patriotism. Art as a Present. Project of R.E.P. Group
RabRab #1
Signal. Kirjoituksia liikkumisen vapaudesta-Writings on the freedom of movement
Tulva, #3/2015, #2/2016
Your Periphery is My Center. Lost in Transition Jul/Aug 2011
QFemZine 2/15 Queeria ja Feminismiä – Queer and Feminism. Diversity of Gender
online, current readings
Ahmed, Sara: Feminist Killjoys (And Other Willful Subjects